Download Instructions

Lark Router has been designed to take advantage of Docker containerization. Allowing it to run wherever you install Docker. Docker is a well maintained and documented containerization solution; many IT organizations are already running Docker. We recommend you discuss with your IT teams as there are many ways to implement Docker. For more information visit Docker at

There are two methods to install Lark Router via Docker:

Docker Hub

For experienced Docker users Lark Router is available on the Docker Hub, You will need your Docker Hub account to access images. The latest information is always available at . There you will see recommendations and all necessary information for installing Lark Router.

Once complete you can go to the local URL and port 8000 (Http: to login and start configuring Lark Router.

User Name: admin
Password: admin

Step by Step Instructions

To simplify implementation on Linux and Windows systems we have provided the YAML files using standard values (port configurations, data storage locations, etc.) below.

Step 1:

Save the appropriate Docker-compose.yaml file to a folder on your computer (ie. larkd\)

If using Linux, save the variables file to the same folder

Step 2:

Next edit the Docker-Compose yaml file to accept the Lark Router License Agreement which can be found here:

  • Windows: You must edit the Docker-Compose.yaml file and change ACCEPT_EULA from no to yes.
    • ACCEPT_EULA=no
  • Linux: You must edit the variables.env file and change ACCEPT_EULA from no to yes
    • ACCEPT_EULA=no

Step 3:

Open your shell program (ie. BASH for Linux or Powershell for Windows).

Step 4:

Change directory to where you saved your YAML file.

Step 5:

Run the command docker-compose up -d

Step 6:

To terminate Lark Router run the command docker-compose down.

Step 7:

Once complete you can go to the local URL and port 8000 (Http: to login and start configuring Lark Router.

User Name: admin
Password: admin

We have provided a list of other useful docker commands here: Useful Docker Commands