Glossary of Useful Docker Commands
docker –help
List of commands available in Docker and their syntax.
docker-compose up
Brings up the containers and installs the software, configures all of the ports based on the Docker-compose.yaml
docker-compose up -d
Brings up all of the containers and installs the software in detach mode (background)
docker-compose down
Brings down all of the containers, closes the programs and closes the network connections.
docker-compose pull
Gets the latest images for the Lark Router (Upgrades)
-Keep in mind that it is good practice to prune old images.
-See Docker Image Prune for details.
docker-compose up -d –remove-orphans
Brings up updated images and removes orphaned containers
docker image prune
Removes unused images.
docker container ls
Lists all of the running containers.
docker ps
Lists all of the running containers
docker ps -a
Lists all of the containers (running and stopped).
docker exec -it <<CONTAINER ID>> /bin/bash
Connect to a running container.
docker image ls
Lists all of the images downloaded.
docker rmi skycore/postgres
Removes the Postgres Image.
docker rmi skycore/larkd
Removes the Lark Router Image.
docker kill skycore/postgres
Force quits the Postgres container.
docker kill skycore/larkd
Quits the Lark Router container.
More Docker information is available at